Golden Acre Seeds is renowned for outstanding product quality and customer support.
Golden Acre Seeds grew out of a fourth generation family farm located in the historic Peace region of northern Alberta.
Golden Acre Seeds produces and sells: alfalfa, clover, grasses, hay and pasture mixes, lawn mixes and certified organic seed.
We use leafcutter bees to pollinate our alfalfa fields. We also run a cleaning plant for seeds, grass and legumes.



Hay & Pasture


Certified Organic

Lawn Mixtures
Operating in the Peace region of northern Alberta, the top grass seed production area in Canada, Golden Acre Seeds is renowned for outstanding product quality and customer support.
Featured Products
Golden Acre Seeds is a fourth-generation family farm with a reputation for high-quality product and friendly, knowledgeable customer service.
Trevor, John and Heather Kerschbaumer believe in sustainable farming practices such as including forage seed in crop rotations.